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Garden Center Services
Garden Center Services
- For more information, updates and event notices "Like" us on Facebook. www.facebook.com/boehmsgc
- Follow us on Instagram @boehmsgc
- Full Line of Annuals & Perennials
- Native Trees & Shrubs
- Native Perennials and Grasses
- Mulch, Compost, Soil, Sand, Rock
- Garden Seed & Supplies
- Houseplants & Potting Soils
- Statuary & Garden Gifts
- Trees - Shade, Flowering, Evergreen, Fruit
- *Grown in the Rootmaker System
- Fruit Trees & Small Fruits
- Bird Feeders & Bird Seed
- If you are looking for a specific plant or item, just ask! If we don't have it, we'll try to help you find it!
If you are looking for ideas and inspiration; there are a few websites we recommend:
www.mobot.org - Missouri Botanic Garden
www.perennialquality.com - Hoffie Nursery
www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/hort/ - University of Illinois Extension